What is a Pediatric Dentist?

Pediatric dentists are specialists in treating children’s dental needs from infancy through adolescence. Our pediatric dentists have gone through a minimum of 2 years of specialized training after dental school to learn about the unique dental needs of children. During this specialty training, they learned about treating children with complex medical conditions, behavior guidance techniques as well as child development and psychology. We work closely with local children’s hospitals, pediatricians, and other pediatric medical specialists to create a network of healthcare professionals dedicated to your child’s well-being.

What makes our office different than a general dentist's?

Our pediatric dentists have specialized training in child behavior, child psychology, and behavior guidance techniques to best help your child have a positive experience at our office.

“Kid-friendly” terms

At our practice, we believe in using “kid-friendly” terms. We use words like “sleepy juice” to describe the numbing shot or “Mr. Thirsty” to describe the suction straw.

Tell-Show-Do (TSD) Technique

We use a technique called Tell-Show-Do (TSD) during each and every visit. We use TSD when we introduce new instruments we use during treatment.

Example of TSD:

  • Tell: The dentist will say “I’m going to count your teeth with my tiny tooth mirror and tooth counter.”
  • Show: We show the child our instruments and practice counting the child’s fingers with the mirror and explorer.
  • Do: Finally, the dentist will count the child’s teeth with the mirror and explorer.